Welcome to monthly update version V3.0 (this update keeps changing!!!)

This started out as a poor monthly update.  It went from bad to worse, except that we now have the tournament rescheduled.
Sorry if this is an absolute mess.  Okay, I am going to stop fiddling with it now.

We had our first closing due to COVID in May and had to postpone our tournament.

And now we have to wear masks to enter the building until the borough decides otherwise.*¹

We are now a USA Table Tennis affiliated club.
Now we can plan on holding a sanctioned USATT tournament!
, so maybe our tournament will become sanctioned.
That's all I got, just going to lie low for now, see how things shake out and take it from there.
Happy ponging!

Tournament has been rescheduled to Saturday June 25th.
Register at tinyurl.com/cruz2022