
Greetings table tennis fans, welcome to the monthly update!

Groundhog Trophy 2022

I would like to announce the winner of our Groundhog Trophy micro tournament: "Awesome" PJ defeated Bradley 3-1.




The next big event is the Pong-A-Thon charity event,
Date: February 26, 2022

Venue: 110 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460
This is an 12 hour marathon event to raise money to support the charities that bring rescue, support and train victims of human trafficking in South East Asia.

If you can't play or can't make it, you can still help by donating at the link below.


Rec. Room VS Rec. Center

As we continue our efforts to find a new club location.  Our two best options are less than a mile away from each other and have very similar names.  First is the Rec. Room bar/restaurant down on Bridge Street.  Second is the Phoenixville Recreation Center which will be opening up this Spring on Franklin Ave.  You will be hearing me discuss each back and forth as we coordinate working between both.  I made you a handy-dandy photo to help you know the difference.  I am hoping to have big news come the March update. So stay tuned!

Greetings table tennis fans.

Last month I started a personal challenge of playing 30 days to table tennis. I could either hit with the kids, friends, play a tournament, practice serves, teach someone, etc.  Doesn't have to be in a row, just a goal to complete 30 days.  You should join me in this personal challenge.  If you have a table, start today at home.  If you do not, remember the Infinite Loop Club is open Monday nights and the Rec Room has tables for play.

I have been trying to think of a way we can still meet each other and play while looking for a new place.  The key is organizing, either through and app, email, social media, the telephone.  I am trying to think of the best way to do it.  Right now, I have a beta program going where a select few of our old group come play at my house.  But I would like to see if we can all meet at the Rec Room sometime so new players can get acquainted.  More on that to come.

The Parks and Rec department are having a virtual meeting January 18th at 6pm.  I am going to check it out, see if their is any news on the new center opening and maybe discuss the possibility of us playing there.  You can sign up to participate on the website.  

And a heads up, there will be a Pong-A-Thon fund raiser coming up February 26th from 8am to 8pm, there will be more details in the February update.

Now get up and do something for the 30 day challenge!

Welcome friends!

It is December and Monday night hangouts at Valley Forge Baptist have ended.  We await our next adventure.  Which is this Saturday!
Brady and I are heading to Princeton for their December tournament the first weekend of December.  Come join us!  
We were planning on checking out the Lancaster tourney that weekend, but we were too slow and it filled up.  But there is plenty of space left at Princeton.  
If you need help signing up, or have other tournament questions, drop me an email.

That's all I have, I will keep checking in Monthly to let you know if anything new comes up!

Keep ponging my friends!

My friends! Welcome back!

It has been a slow few weeks for Monday night hangouts.  There is always an open table, come join us!
The church is doing major construction, so the entrance may be found at the rear of the gym, best to enter from Black Rock Road.
Monday Night Hangouts run from 7pm - 9pm, at 616 S. Trappe Rd. Collegeville, PA 19426. They also have two Pickelball courts.

I am a little late on posting the Princeton Pong tournament, it is 11/6-11/7 this month.

Nothing else to report, except that you can now take advantage of the new ITTF rules that allow you to use a different color rubber other than red on one side.
I am waiting to get myself a neon green one.  What about you?  Have any news for me?

Good October to you!

This month our crew continues to enjoy free nights of table tennis at Valley Forge Baptist Church on Mondays 7pm-9pm.
They have a short testimony, and then it is open play.  They also have pickleball and cornhole.

I have contacted the Phoenixville recreation board in hopes of organizing play when the new center opens up.  I don't have a timeline for the center opening, but I would imagine it is less than a year. 

The new recreation center is located at the corner of Franklin Ave and Filmore Street.  Here is a planning photo.  The exterior of the building is pretty complete at this point.

So that's the news this month.  Hope to see you all soon!



Valley Forge Baptist Church is restarting Monday Night Hangouts on Sept 13th.  They plan on holding it every Monday until December. It is free of charge, they have three tables and also run pickleball and cornhole.  There will be a brief testimonial and prayer before the start of each night.  It runs 7pm - 9pm, at 616 S. Trappe Rd. Collegeville, PA 19426. Enter through the gymnasium doors behind the church.

That's all I have for this month's update.  Hope to see you soon!




OH NO, It's August already, my update is late!

Okay, here is what is going on. The Olympics! I have been planning on watching the streaming videos on Peacock streaming service, but haven't gotten around to it yet.  I have been avoiding spoilers as much as possible and ignoring any news.  So you won't get any news on this from me!

Join us once again at Valley Forge Baptist Church, this time for two Tuesdays in August.
August 10th and August 17th from 7pm-9pm.

There is a Giant Round Robin tournament coming to Manor Church in Lancaster on August 21st and Princeton Pong's monthly tournament 8/7 and 8/8.
Check out for printable entry forms or to enter online.

Still looking for a home, had this crazy idea of distributing the tables between two locations and maybe running two nights or rotating sites.  But that was just an idea I am floating around.  We probably will not be leasing a facility any time soon, though that is an idea I will always entertain should the time and conditions seem right.

Well that's all the news I have today. Check back for our monthly updates and keep an eye on our events section which is updated as new events pop up!

Greetings Table Tennis Fans!

June 28th, 2021, Brady and I finally had our rematch with Carl and Dave.  It went exactly how I expected, next time I shall expect differently!

It's July! I am grateful Valley Forge Baptist Church allowed us to see old friends and meet new ones at their Monday Night Hangouts outreach. 
The program has ended for now, but may be back August 10th.  We will keep you informed as information comes in.
I would like to keep in touch with some of you who played with us at the church.  Martha, John, Andrew, Francis, James, Carlos, and anyone else I missed.  Send me an email or join our facebook group so we can keep you personally updated on future endevours.

"Let's talk." I will be praying for guidance on our next step and waiting for an answer.  I have a few ideas of my own, but would love to hear from you as well. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view or start a discussion in our Facebook group. 

I wanted to say welcome to any players from Rising Phoenix Table Tennis Club who may have discovered us for the first time.  Many of you may not know that the club started in Phoenixville and moved to King of Prussia when we lost our venue. Phoenixville is home to the organizers and is our preferred town in which to re-open. The club seems to move in seven year cycles, so we are waiting on the next seven years to being! But until then, please visit Infinite Loop, Trolley Car, and Princeton Pong to get your table tennis playing in!  If you look below you'll find links to other places to play and events.

So please, join us in praying that the Lord give us the opportunity to reopen the club again soon!

Greetings Table Tennis Fans!

The Rising Phoenix Table Tennis Club of King of Prussia has closed up and will not be reopening at Aspiring Champions.

This will be the final month of Monday Night Hang Outs at Valley Forge Baptist in Collegeville, so make sure you join us while you can 6pm-9pm Mondays in June.
Once Monday Night Hang Outs complete, it is time to talk about where we can play. We have seven tables in storage and would like to restart the club somewhere.
Ideally, Monday or Tuesday nights work best for me to open and close. I am thinking about approaching the Phoenixville Recreation Center, as they are building a new facility a few blocks away from me.  But I am also on the look out for any other location, retail, warehouse, basement, church, or other space that would be affordable for us.  So if you have ideas or input please let me know.

Here is a photo of the float we entered in the Phoenixville Dogwood Shoebox parade.



Phoenixville Table Tennis Club lost a founding father in April, Chris Cruz.
Anyone who came to the club knows what a warm and welcoming person he was. He will be missed greatly.

Welcome to the new PHXTTC Monthly Update.

What's new in May?
Valley Forge Baptist Church in Collegeville has extended their Monday Night Hangouts until the end of June.  Our table tennis group playing there grows a little each week, come join us.

The roof is up on the new recreation center in Phoenixville.  Which just so happens to be within walking distance of my home.  I have a letter ready to send to the recreation board to see if they would let us play there.  Should I send it?

The Phoenixville Dogwood Parade is going virtual this year.  We are going to have a float in the shoebox parade!

May 15th, 1pm is when the Phoenixville Jaycees will hold the parade.

I would like to create a new email list for those interested in Phoenixville Table Tennis news and updates.
But I would also like to know your preferred method of keeping up. Is it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, texts?  Let me know.
Contact me to give my your info. See the "contact" box on this page for details.

Beware the Ides of April. Wow, I just looked up the definition of ides, interesting stuff.

April 10th, I drove to Princeton Pong to play the U1250 event of their April Open.  I won 1, lost 2, and drove home with time to spare before I had to go to work!
Princeton Pong is a nice place with nice people. I recommend their tournaments.  

Pennsylvania State Championships are April 30th-May 1st.  It's nice to have a state champion crowned once again.  I am a little sad that some of the events are missing. 
Check out the link in our events sidebar for details.

There are a few more Mondays this month that people can play table tennis for free.  The details are in our *NEW* Facebook group.  

The new Phoenixville Recreational Center is being built and I think it would be wonderful if we could establish play there.  

The State Championships are back!  April 30th-May 1st. The scope of events is scaled down, but it is a start! to register.

I am always open to talking about finding a new regular facility in Phoenixville, feel free to drop me an email (Pong*at*Phoenixville Table Tennis . Com) or visit out Facebook group.


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